>>> Legal terms

This page explains the legal terms applying to every visitor to the website. The act of visiting the website implies your acceptance and observance of this notice. Pharmatoka reserves the right to modify the information contained in this notice at any time and without advance notice.

1. Type of information
The information provided on this website cannot in any way be considered as a medical opinion or even as recommendations for use of Pharmatoka products. As a result, it can on no account be substituted for the opinion of a health professional, doctor or chemist.

2. Intellectual property

2.1. The presentation and all elements, including brands, logos, the website’s domain name and other domain names appearing on the website are protected by the laws in force on intellectual property and are the exclusive property of Pharmatoka or covered by licenses acquired by the Company. Any modification or total or partial representation of any of the elements on this website in any manner whatsoever, regardless of the medium, without Pharmatoka’s prior express written authorization, is forbidden. You are nonetheless authorized to make a single copy on your personal computer, for your private, non-commercial use, in accordance with regulations on intellectual property rights and other regulations.

2.2. Each authorized copy of the content of this website must contain the following notice: " copyright 2005 © Laboratoires Pharmatoka (legal form). All rights reserved. "

2.3. All hypertext links to the website are subject to Pharmatoka’s express prior consent.

2.4. Pharmatoka reserves the right to initiate proceedings for any infringement of its intellectual property rights.

3. Warranty exclusion

3.1. Despite the care Pharmatoka takes in selecting the information posted on this website and keeping it updated, it may nonetheless contain errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Consequently, Pharmatoka cannot guarantee the accuracy and exhaustiveness of any information on this website.

3.2. Pharmatoka shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, regardless of the cause or consequences, caused by visiting this website, using it, using any information it contains or even failure to access it, with the exception of direct damage following a serious or intentional fault by Pharmatoka.

3.3. The website may feature the opinions of various experts or the content of articles published in the specialized press. The content of such articles or expert opinions is only binding on their authors. They express a personal point of view and Pharmatoka cannot be held liable for their being inaccurate or incomplete.

3.4. Furthermore, Pharmatoka shall not be liable for the content of any hypertext links placed on this website for further information; nor for the content of other websites providing hypertext links to this website. We cannot control the content of those websites, which are entirely independent of Pharmatoka. Furthermore, it is up to you to protect yourself against any virus attack caused by visiting this website or any websites linked to it.

4. Personal data and other data collected

4.1. The present website collects personal data in a purpose of information and communication. In conformity with the deliberation n°2006-138 of 9th May 2006, no specific declaration has been made to the National Center for Information and Liberty (Release n°7 available on the website of the CNIL).

4.2. Pharmatoka guarantees that the personal data (name and address) you have provided shall not be divulged to any third parties, particularly by means of e-mail. This data shall only be used to process your inquiries or applications.

4.3. In accordance with the French Data Protection law of 6th January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data. If you wish to invoke this right, please contact us by e-mail at info@pharmatoka.fr or send your request by mail to Laboratoires Pharmatoka, 118 Avenue Paul Doumer, 92563 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France.

4.4. Nevertheless, barring the aforementioned personal data, the documents, questions, suggestions, data, etc. that you send to Pharmatoka via this website shall not be considered confidential and shall be deemed to be in the public domain. Consequently, Pharmatoka is free to copy, circulate, modify or transmit the ideas, concepts, know-how and techniques conveyed in this type of document and by this means of communication.

5. Applicable laws and regulations

5.1. The website and its contents are subject to French law. Website content is intended for French residents, albeit accessible to visitors of other nationalities.

5.2. The website design reflects the recommendations of the Website Communication Charter for pharmaceutical companies established by the AFSSAPS (French agency for health and health product safety) and the SNIP (French national syndicate for the pharmaceutical industry).

6. Legal notice

6.1. Website publisher: Pharmatoka. Ordinary joint stock company with a capital of 600,000 Euros having its registered office at 118 Avenue Paul Doumer, 92563 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France, listed and the Trade and Companies Register under no. 452 970 767, B 02109 on 8th April 2004.

6.2. Publication manager: Gunter Haesaerts

6.3. Website produced and hosted by :
Créapolis Communication - 65 Avenue de Colmar, Tour Albert 1er 92500 Rueil-Malmaison - France
Website : http://www.cpolis.com

6.4. Conception graphique : Pharmatoka SAS

6.5. Illustrations :Kubdesign

Last update : 27/03/2009